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Providing specialist modification to diecast model Formula One cars is what we are all about.
Working in many scales from 1/12 to 1/43, we always welcome bespoke and custom orders.
Many models can be converted by us by using our vast range of paints, tyre types, weathering, and decal sets including the cigarette branding and liveries.
We are also a stockist for non converted factory standard models. Specialising in new releases and rare finds and new for 2023 a new range of Rally & Le Mans car as well.
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We do not encourage smoking, however we do not
see the harm with correct decals on the cars, They were sponsored by these
companies, It just adds an element of history and correctness. These cars are
manufactured by a mixture of companies, but they have been adapted by us as an
art form. We do not claim ownership of the cars designs, and we are respectful
of the original copyright owners. We hope that by offering these adaptations it
will give a boost to the model collecting industry. We do not advise under 18's
to purchase models with cigarette decals without parental permission. All
Photographs on this site are Copyrighted to Andrew Jones 2012 unless otherwise
stated. You cannot use the images without expressed permission. F1 Diecast
Conversions is the trading name of Andrew Jones.
©Andrew Jones, F1 Diecast Conversions™ 2012-2024
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